Hacia la segunda mundialización de América Latina
Fernando Aínsa Amigues
[ESPAÑOL]Todo indica que estamos asistiendo al inicio de una segunda mundialización, cuyos componen-tes no serán exclusivamente económicos, sino de civilización, cultura y ciudadanía. Los signos que la anuncian son plurales: políticos (procesos de integración y regionalización), sociales (movimientos de resistencia y contestación a escala internacional) y culturales(hibridación, emigración, exilio, interculturalidad). Nuestra reflexión parte del convencimiento de que el po-larizado debate alrededor del globalismo, sólo podrá superarse a partir de la elaboración de es-trategias y proyectos alternativos que tengan en cuenta la vocación integradora,internaciona-lista y universalista de la historia occidental, en la que América Latina ha desempeñado histó-ricamente un papel fundamental.
[ENGLISH]We think that a second globalization based on not only economical ítems but civiliza-tion, cultural policies and citizen, are in progress. The signals that confirm this way of thought are plural, political issues, ( integration processes and regionalization of services are needed), social (resistance movements at international level) and cultural policies ( in a mixture, migration, exile situation and intercultural learning should be done). We are convinced that this vision of globalisation only can be overcome successfully with new strategies and alternative sustainable development projects, according to an international integrationist world in the history of Western World in which Latin America has played a very important constructive part
[ENGLISH]We think that a second globalization based on not only economical ítems but civiliza-tion, cultural policies and citizen, are in progress. The signals that confirm this way of thought are plural, political issues, ( integration processes and regionalization of services are needed), social (resistance movements at international level) and cultural policies ( in a mixture, migration, exile situation and intercultural learning should be done). We are convinced that this vision of globalisation only can be overcome successfully with new strategies and alternative sustainable development projects, according to an international integrationist world in the history of Western World in which Latin America has played a very important constructive part
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